Happy Monday to everyone! I am excited to feature my tip of the day on here! I will post tips for every kind of service you may need...with that being said Here We Go!!!
I found a really great quote from Margo Kaufman from 1800-AM-I-NUTS
"One person's mess is merely another person's filing system."
And right you are Ms. Kaufman
Today's Tip is one of my favorites...I found an article a few weeks ago on how to jumpstart organizing in the home. They suggested creating a planner.
Tip #1: Simple & Easy Household Notebook/Planner
This is such an easy item to make and it comes in handy when you are going out of town, grocery shopping, etc... This easy to make notebook/planner is simply a three ring binder and dividers. At this point you can create all sorts of categories. You can put items like calendars, schedules, and forms in this binder. Be creative! This is your book, make it geared towards you and your family. Here are a few of the categories I chose as an example, Chores, Menu/Shopping List, Important Contacts, Inventory, Family Health, Vacation.
Whether it's a doctor's reminder, takeout menu, or notes, you can make this the notebook you refer to everyday. I made a few for clients I was helping organize and they have said they absolutely love it. Try it and see what you think. Another great thing is you can put notebook paper in it and use it for quick notes or thoughts. Make your day, month, and even year easier with this great tip!
Great idea Jo! Having one place to look for information will be a time-saver! I'm going to make one for me!