Monday, October 31, 2011

Hammer Time!!

I love the fall and winter time because my two favorite holidays occur. I adore Thanksgiving and Christmas  not only for the delicious food and company, but because I love to decorate. I purchased new decorations last year and am really excited to put them out. 

The only thing I dislike is using a hammer. Today's tip is great for women like me who sometimes have bad aim when it comes to hammering the nail on the head!

Tip #31: Hammer Time
To avoid possible hammer accidents on your walls and possible trips to the emergency room for smashing your fingers with a weapon use this trusty tip!! Hold a nail securely in place with a clothespin instead of using your fingers. This keeps you and the wall from harms way!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Chalk Talk

A few days ago I was reorganizing a clients closet and noticed they had a very odd smell in their closet. When I asked my client about it she informed me that on occasion she has problems with mildew. So with that being said I showed her a quick tip that will keep her clothes protected and clean.

Tip #30: Chalk Talk
Find a mesh bag and place a package of chalk in it. Then make a hole at the top of the bag and hang it near your clothes, or take about 6 pieces of chalk and wrap a rubber band and ribbon around them, then hang them on a hook near your clothes.

This will protect your clothes and keep you from catching the mildew blues..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Powder Power

This last weekend I decided to start my fall/winter cleaning project. I like to tackle this chore before Christmas for several reasons. In order to stay organized and keep myself from going crazy when I'm trying to find something to wear I cycle my closet so that the seasons match the weather.

Another reason is to go through and get of clothes that I don't want or need anymore. Lastly, I like to find things that I can donate to clothes drives, shelters and churches.

When I started sorting through my white shirts I noticed something that I notice quite frequently on my white shirts. The ever so dreaded and unsightly yellow sweat stains.  
Tip #29 Powder Power
To prevent these stains from ruining your shirts apply baby powder to the underarm, and collar. Then iron these areas where you applied the powder.

The powder acts as a barrier and smells baby fresh!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tourist Disguise

I had a conversation with a client the other day about her recent vacation. She told me all about it, but said she noticed that there were a few people who really looked out of place..When I asked her what she meant by that she laughed and explained that most people now days try to blend in so that they keep themselves from looking so touristy...Her explanation reminded me of an article I read in a magazine about ways to keep yourself safe while traveling...

Tip #28: Tourist Disguise
A map or travel guide screams HEY!! I'm a TOURIST!!! Keep yourself safe, and become less of a target of a mugging or scam by taking a pretty piece of card stock or wrapping paper and creating a cover for your guide, map, or book. It will help you blend in with the locals and keep you from becoming the next tourist crime victim.

Have fun and fond memories, not horror stories!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spray & Set

I got my nails done the other day and was in a hurry to leave. Most salons I have visited have a can of nail dryer sitting at the drying table.

 My salon does not do this. I have never asked why in fear I would get screamed at. Unfortunately, I had to sit and wait for them to dry, because I did not want to have to come back to have them repainted.

 Later on that I evening I  decided to look for a tip or a trick for girl on the go.

Tip #27: Spray & Set
To set a manicure in record time lightly mist freshly painted nails with cooking spray.
It will help set and dry them for instant smudge protection! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Boot Suspenders

Most of my weekends normally consist of cleaning and laundry with the occasional organizational project..This last weekend was the same until yesterday when I started going through my shoe closet. 

When seasons change, I rotate my closets to better suite my needs for that specific time. I pulled out all my fall/winter shoes and took an inventory of what I needed to throw out, clean, fix and freshen up. I noticed my boots were a little slouchy.

I then remembered an article I read about this very problem and how to fix it using something most people have in their kitchen.

Tip #26: Boot Suspenders
To preserve the shape of tall leather boots, stick a wine bottle into each shaft. This will help keep your boots reinforced, just like boot suspenders.

 If you don't have wine bottles take an old magazine, roll it up and place a rubber band around it. Then place the rolled up magazine in the shaft for the same effect.

Now you have preserved your boots for another season, and saved yourself $30 on a pair of boot shapers.
If you're like me you own more than one pair of boots, so these two techniques prove to be quite useful!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tissue Issue..

Happy Friday everyone!!! Before I give the tip of the day, I wanted to wish my dad RL a Happy Birthday!
Thanks for all the love and support!!

This past week I have been cleaning out my gift wrapping closet. The one thing I seem to never run out of is gift bags and tissue paper...You could say I have a tissue issue!! The gift bags are easy to organize and store, but the tissue becomes a problem. 

 To combat this organizers worst nightmare, I stumbled upon a solution from the good people at Real Simple that could not only help tidy up my closet, but keep my packed clothes wrinkle free!!

Tip #25: Tissue Issue
A great way to spruce up the gift wrapping closet is to use that unwanted tissue paper on folded clothes that are being packed for a trip.

Avoid ironing while traveling..Pack shirts and blouses between layers of tissue paper so they arrive wrinkle free!! Less ironing more fun!!

So the next time your wrapping closet has a tissue issue don't fret, store the tissue in your suitcase for your next trip!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Vanilla Paint

I love to paint! Painting a wall is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to redecorate a room...What I don't like is the disgusting smell paint leaves when it's drying..

Tip #24: Vanilla Paint
Mask the odor of paint by adding vanilla extract or essence to paint..

For every liter of paint you use, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract/essence and stir. Don't fret over the color, the vanilla will not affect the color. 

Not only will your walls look great, but they will smell incredible too!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Vodka & Diamonds..Yes Please!

Diamonds are a girls best friend..I have never met a woman who doesn't appreciate a nice shiny bobble. We all know diamond come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, better known as the 3 C's.

The most traditional classic diamond are transparent and colorless with an amazing shine...If you're like me and wear your rings/jewelry all the time they begin to look dull and dingy.

I recently took my watch in to be fixed and asked my jeweler about this very problem. He gave me a tip on how to brighten up my bling with something I would have never thought of...Now your probably saying I can clean my my rings with jewelry cleaner, but if you don't have any on hand you can always use this quick and easy tip.

Tip #23: Vodka & Diamonds!!
Two of my favorite things together!!

 To quickly restore a diamonds shine and sparkle use a little vodka.  Pour the vodka into a small bowl or dish and drop the diamond(s) in briefly to dissolve any grease or gunk that may have accumulated on/or in the setting. Then rinse well with warm water and pat dry with a soft lint free cloth. For deeper cleaning use the vodka method first then drop the diamond(s) in a mild soap soak for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. 
This definitely is one of my new favorite tips! I will certainly never look at my glass of vodka quite the same again! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Static Guard

I love when my hair stylist puts product in my hair that keeps my frizz and fly aways at bay. I don't, however so much like the price tag of these particular hair products...
I read about a way to keep your hair looking fabulous without the ridiculous price you pay for styling product...

Tip #22: Static Guard
To combat those hard to tame fly aways and frizz spray your brush bristles with Static Guard from about two feet away. Let dry, then brush through and style your hair as usual.

Not only can you smile because your hair looks amazing, you can smile because you saved a little dough in the process...Now that's some thing we can all cling to!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Spiffy Swiffey

Randy travels quite a bit for work..With having to pack light these days when you travel it's only fitting that I would find innovative ways to keep him from having to pack a lot of stuff that he doesn't need...For guys who travel they normally will keep a shoe shine kit on hand to spruce up their business kicks...
True this is a kit that can travel, but I have something twice as small and will take up no room at all...Save the cleaning for home and carry this trusted little item in your bag for easy cleaning!!

Tip #21: Spiffy Swiffey
A swiffer is a great way to spiff up those leather shoes on your business trip or in the back of your closet..

Wipe them with a dry cloth to remove accumulated dust and dirt.
That's muss, no mess, NO FUSS!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Rubberband Hanger

I loved the back-to-school ads Office Max used to have with The Rubberband Man..I thought they were fun and catchy commercials...
Tip #20: The Rubberband Hanger
I normally don't like rubber bands because they can snap fairly easy, but I found a great new use for them when organizing peoples closets who don't have the non-slip hangers..
 Keep camisole straps and slippery dresses on their pesky hangers and off the floor by wrapping the outer corners of the hangers with rubber bands to stop the article of clothing from falling off.

Not only does it keep your closet floor and shelves clothes free, but it's a less expensive alternative to buying new hangers.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Post It Note!

Do you remember the scene in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion when Romy talks about how she invented the greatest invention ever... The Post It Note.. I crack up every time I see that part of the movie...Romy was right! The Post It Note is by far one of the best inventions ever created!

Besides the obvious use, there is another great use for them once your done with them...
Tip: #19: Clean Sweep
You can use them to clean your computer keyboard.
Slide the sticky part through the crevices to collect dust debris and crumbs. Then us the the edge of the note to sweep the crumbs away...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

O is for Oatmeal

With the economy in the toilet I decided to make the Tip Of The Day not only time saving, but most importantly money saving..I'm like most women out there..I love to be pampered and I've had to cut back on some of the luxuries I used to indulge in like facials...
I recently read about a way to treat myself to a at home facial. Same results at a fraction of the price!!
Tip #18: O is for Oatmeal
Mix a packet of plain instant oatmeal with warm water and apply to skin. Let stand for 5-10 minutes then rinse well.

Beautiful skin...Oh La La!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Smitten Mitten

I have a pair of sunglasses that I adore...They fit great, and they were extremely cheap.
The problem is they did not come with a case so I just leave them sitting on my seat in my car or throw them in my bag when I go into a store, or restaurant. I needed to come up with a solution to keep them from getting scratched..
Tip #17: Smitten Mitten
I read in a Real Simple that you can use a mitten/glove as a sunglasses case. 

Deflect scratches to shades in your handbag by sliding them into a mitten.
They fit like a glove (no pun intended). This keeps your lens protected so they look as good as new when you pull them out to use again!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mus what??

With seasons changing it's time to rotate the closet and put the spring and summer clothes to rest.

Tip #16 Mus what?
To preserve off-season clothing line dresser drawers and closet shelves with a cotton looking material called muslin...I know what you are thinking..Mus what??

Muslin is a loose woven cotton material. It comes in bleached/unbleached, dyed, and undyed versions. You can purchase muslin at any fabric or craft store. Buy the unbleached/undyed kind then wash. The muslin keeps the acidity in the wood in your dresser and on your closet shelves from damaging garments you place in and on them.
Sorry Grandma no mothballs this year...

Repeat the process every time you rotate your closet! Your clothes will smell fresh and look as great as they did the day you purchased them.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Money Money MoneyClip

So as you know I'm a huge ebay addict...I have purchased several vintage clutch bags on the site. When I use my clutches I have to switch out wallets because my everyday wallet is to big. Instead of going out and buying a small wallet which can be pretty pricey I decided to purchase something that was versatile!
Tip #15: Money Money Moneyclip
I purchased a money clip which fits nicely into any of my clutches. Places like J Crew, and Nordstrom sell money clips made for women.

 If you are looking for something a little fancier Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Burberry make money clips that double as key chains.

 If you want to go for any of these I would suggest looking on Ebay before paying full price.
So the next time you are about to go out for a night on the town, ditch the bulky wallet and downsize to a money clip with that cute clutch.

 Less is always best!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sew Sew..

Have you ever been out for the night or out of town and had a fall off of your shirt or blouse? Well I have a really quick and easy tip that will help keep from putting a snag in your plans...
Tip #14 Sew Sew..
This is one of the best tips I have ever used..Make a mini travel sewing kit using a match book. 

Replace the the matches with a needle or two and wrap a few basic colors of thread around the book. Then pop into your bag, clutch or wallet. Not only does this keep you from having to go somewhere to buy a sewing kit, 
but the matchbook can double as an emery board for quick little nail snags!

 I have to say the matchbook is definitely one of the best inventions ever!!!